The LIPP system can provide storage for all major markets in the water and wastewater arena.
Sludge Storage
Potable Water
Aeration Storage
Storm Water
Leachate Storage
Clarifiers and Process Treatment
Equalization Tank storage
Surge Mixing Tanks
The LIPP Design Technology offers a variety of benefits to the engineers and owners for all storage markets:
Long operation Life
Very Low initial Capital Cost
Very Low actual maintenance or operational costs
Quick assembly Times and Low man-hour costs due to minimum personal required
Corrosion Resistance due to the “Verinox” Stainless steel interior lining system
The LIPP system can resist the highly abrasive nature of many industry Liquids that require special interior lining systems. This unique assembly process and cost effective steel manufacturing allows the LIPP storage tank system to be exclusive choice among engineering groups across the worldwide market. Once the process is explained and understood, then the LIPP tank has become the Engineers/Owners first choice for all storage needs.